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קרן ק


The mission of The Jewish Community of Prague Foundation (JCP FOUNDATION) that was founded in November 1998 is to acquire financial means which are then used for the upkeep and restoration of out of Prague Jewish cemeteries and synagogues i.e. approx. 180 cemeteries, 14 synagogues and many cemetery buildings such as morgues, ceremonial halls, various cemetery sheds and small dwellings. The Jewish Community of Prague endowed the foundation with a house located in Maiselova Str. 15. Part of the yield from this house is used to finance the restoration of Jewish monuments and part to cover the operational costs of the department of the joint- stock company Matana that is in charge of the upkeep and restoration of the above stated Jewish monuments. The operational costs of the Foundation and the upkeep of its estate are also paid from this yield.

In 2015 the foundation charter of the foundation was partly changed and so was the mission of the foundation. It now states: The foundation was set up with the mission to fulfill the community aims in compliance with the Article 1. § 3 of the Statutes of the Jewish Community of Prague. The reason for setting up this foundation is the preservation of cultural monuments, development of Jewish traditions in the region of the Czech Republic and support of education and Czech Jewish school system.”

The Foundation commissioned the joint-stock company Matana with the upkeep of its estate. The Foundation has one half-time employee who is in charge of all administrative work and looks after fulfilling all obligations as given by the state. The Foundation is managed by Executive Board of 6 and controlled by Supervisory Board of 3 with a five year term of office. Members to these statutory authorities are elected from nominees recommended by the Representation of the Jewish Community of Prague.


According to its establishing document the Foundation twice a year calls for applications for grants with the dead-line of 28 February and 30 June. Every year this call for application is announced in the Rosh Chodesh monthly. UP to now the JCP Foundation distributes approx. 9 million CZK every year for the upkeep, restoration and renovation of Jewish cemeteries and synagogues and since 2014 also for education programs. We also support activities of Jewish clubs and citizen association, cultural and educational project and literary and movie production on a Jewish theme.

Executive Board:

Chairman:       Architect Richard Sidej

Members:        Petr Brod, Eva Sedláková,  Ilona Voldřichová, Helena Becková a Alice Marxová


Supervisory Board

Chairman:       Michal Dostál

Members:        Alena Jelínková, Jindřich Svátek


Contact: Jana Kosáková

Maiselova 18, 110 00 Prague 1

Office: Jáchymova 3, Prague 1


E-mail: [email protected]