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Integral part of the Economy Dpt. is the cash desk of the Jewish Community of Prague. It is opened daily from 8:30 till 10:00 and from 12:30 till 14:00 (Thursdays till 15:00).

Restaurant vouchers for members of the community are sold Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 till 12:00 and from 12:30 till 14:00 (Thursdays till 15:00).

The Economy Dpt. carries out all usual financial transaction of a legal entity e.g.:

* preparation of financial budget of the community and closing financial statements;

* realization of all financial transactions of the community;

* bookkeeping;

* control of the fulfillment of the budget and analysis of financial management;

* cash flow activities and accounting activities of the JCP and affiliated organizations;

* forwarding of granted financial support and payments for medicaments;

* tax payments;

* management of monetary deposits;

* management of payroll and personnel agenda;

* keeping of all accounting and tax records (obligatory under state regulations);

* inventory.

The Economy Dpt. is also in charge of economy analysis and controls, e.g. turnout of tickets sold at tourist premises of the JCP, management of financial reserves and depreciation of tangible assets and financial policy of the community. The department also pays all invoices and travel expenses and takes care of all means of the community be it tangible properties or monetary deposits in banks that originate from grants, donations, membership fees, collection etc. Throughout the year the departments manages and regulates the cash flow of the community.

One of the most important tasks is the processing of the yearly closing financial statement and preparation of the yearly financial budget. The final budget is authorized by the  Board of Representatives.

Contact: Petr Hrdina

Tel.: Cash Desk +420 224 800 859, + 420 224 800 817

E-mail: [email protected]