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MIKVEH for Ladies

Under the supervision of the JCP Rabbinate


Orders by text or WhatsApp +420 731 136 013  or  by e-mail [email protected]



Immersion in the mikveh should be booked 

at least 1 day in advance, exceptionally on the day of immersion no later than 1 PM



Immersion in the mikveh on Motzaei Shabbat, Sunday and Monday should be booked no later than Friday by 1:00 PM.

Sunday is not a working day in the Czech Republic



Immersion in the mikveh during festivals and after their conclusion

should be booked no later than the last working day preceding the festival, by 1:00 PM.

Festivals in Diaspora last 1 day longer than in Israel




Since the water in the mikveh is heated only based on prior order, we ask you to adhere to the ordering rules. When ordering on the day of the visit, we cannot guarantee an acceptable water temperature.

If you are delayed on the day of your visit or need to cancel your visit for any reason, please inform us in advance.

The entrance fee to the mikveh should be paid in cash to balanit upon arrival,

preferably in CZK.

Payments for the immersion in the mikveh on Friday night or on Festivals should be made in advance.